Man with sore red highlighted tennis elbow


Tennis elbow doesn’t only happen to the seasonal tennis players! It can affect anyone who strenuously continues to use the forearm muscles. The actual term “tennis elbow” refers to lateral epicondylitis; pain and inflammation occurring at the outside of the elbow. This can be caused by many different reasons including…

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Woman playing golf


As the greens are starting to open back up, it’s important to open that lower back too! Everyone focuses on the hips and shoulders, and yes, those joints play a large role in your golf swing. However, having appropriate lumbar mobility can actually take the stress off of your shoulders…

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Pregnant woman laying on her side

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti is a big word that is being tossed around these days a bit more than ever before, but do you know what it actually means? Diastasis Recti (known as DR) is a split in the lining of one of the core muscles, rectus abdominis….otherwise known as the “6-pack…

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man's shoulders

Shoulder Stability

The shoulder is a complex joint; it’s able to move in every plane of movement. This mobility benefits our daily activities and allows us to complete a multitude of tasks. However, this also means that our shoulders must be strong in all planes of movement. Therefore, shoulder stability is important…

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physical therapy

How Can Physical Therapy Help Me Recover From a Sports Injury?

Have you recently been injured and your doctor has concluded that you need physical therapy? Many times, athletes require physical therapy due to sports injuries from their chosen sport. Perhaps you have been in an accident and need physical rehabilitation. Either way, you need to choose the right physical therapy…

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